Developing Integrated Financial Services


Capitalizing on the most appropriate opportunities and effectively maximizing potential is the challenge faced by all players in the financial services sector. Forming productive partnerships can be key to a successful bank/insurance strategy.  DCG’s Integrated Financial Services approach is uniquely designed to accelerate our clients’ financial strength and competitive position in the expanded global marketplace.

The DCG process provides the essential contacts, credibility, and confidentiality needed to reach bank and insurance company potential partners at the senior executive level.  DCG assists in every facet of securing a partnership, including:

  • Strategic market planning.
  • Custom and proprietary product development, including carrier negotiations.
  • Distribution development training and staff selection.
  • Direct Response Marketing (DRM) and database marketing to capitalize on existing customers.
  • Liaison between the bank and the insurance company to minimize cultural conflicts and sensitivities.

Financial institutions have valuable customer relationships, while insurance companies can offer proprietary products designed for targeted market segments.  DCG’s role is to assist in the review and selection of options, development of pilot programs, and implementation.

Each Integrated Financial Services engagement is tailored to the appropriate customer segment in order to gain committed support from key employees and positive responses from the potential partners.

Integrated financial services enterprises of the future will:

  •        Create innovative products,
  •        Deliver clear consumer value, and
  •        Offer customer-selected channels of distribution.

DCG clients can gain competitive advantages through carefully crafted strategic alliances.  Our team can assist you to develop and implement an Integrated Financial Services strategy that fits your organization and its style.  Our Integrated Financial Services team members include Robert Nellson  and Dennis Cross.